The Mysterious Myth of Daniel Corin Barrett Lukas and Christopher Patrick Reyher Cameronthegreat RealPancaf

The Mysterious Myth of Daniel Corin Barrett Lukas and Christopher Patrick Reyher @Cameronthegreat RealPancaf Black Metal

Real Pancaf Daniel Corin Barrett Lukas Houston

@frenchguy1 @cameronthegreat Christopher Reyher Real Pancaf
@frenchguy1 My trust fund for @cameronthegreat the myth of Christopher P Reyher

The Mysterious Myth of Daniel Corin Barrett Lukas and Christopher Patrick Reyher Cameronthegreat RealPancaf

We dig deeper into the mystery of Christopher Patrick R blocking RealPancaf on social media, the move of stupidity, no? How will Chris know where or what RealPancaf or 2 of RealWhiteMeats are who now, no? We are amongst them. I am a proud son of suns, who’s beloved lost his life at the hand of Chris’s cold autistic psychopathic gamble. The mistake of RealPancaf is falling in love with my beloved, no? My beloved was more magnificent then I imagined, Christopher put him to his end under his brother’s name, no? Mr. French began to suspect this love of RealPancaf. Why would not Christopher Patrick R debate Mr. French over the identity of Chris? Everything Real Pancaf knows, Mr. French knows, but Mr. French knows more, no? Why would not Chris debate Mr. French over being this criminal fraud? Who is the real butcher?, Mr. French, no? I keep Chris’s secret for now but Mr. French want the real identity of Chris’s fraudulent broadcasts out for the public debate, no? And those complicit in this fraud. What does Patricia knows of her son’s enterprise of being a fat internet casanova, playing innocents like pawns against each other on a chess board? I still haven’t called her 9389. The Internet Haus Frau Krass Krista Kumpf is complicit in this game, no? Robbing cradles the sex of assumed names, no? Psychosis, no? RealPancaf has contact with her many times. More mysterious that Chris not allow RealPancaf relations with his beloved before his demise, no? What does the good doctor dispensing opiates think of his son’s sins during his golf game? Mr. French has seen the Wildlife Run through the Palm Shores of Manatee to Bradenton back to 2518, we wonder if Chris has witnessed the abuse of C John R the great after stealing his name for entertainment, no? C John R will be my new beloved.

Palm Shores is no paradise the improper discharges, the contraband, the suicide risks, no? Hope hospitalized Officer Todd Wennberg’s knee and shoulder recovered after a battle with the Blue Team sent to subdue C John R, now in chains on the 18th of May, Case #2017222455, no?. Mr. French wants to debate these things, no? Aaron Satan is complicit for being a MORON! Mr. French read Aaron Satan like we all do, no? Mr. French is very confused by Aaron Satan defense and praise of Chris and talk and talk of forgiveness and pointless psychoanalysis, why is Aaron Satan so popular? Aaron Satan is a sinner complicit in Chris’s cheating, fraud, and psychosis, no? Aaron Satan is a MORON who’s stupid loyalty Chris will tear him apart like pulled pork to discredit Aaron Satan, this is what Aaron Satan deserve, no? Christopher rock to and fro with autism and whine and whine about hypocrites, liars, people suffering autism when he is all these things, no? Chris does not know how easy it is to sign in to receive this social media, Real Pancaf is never blocked, no? What did Chris not want to talk about?, there are so many secrets he has, no? 27th May 5406  a missing persons report Houston Case #5903322371 disappears from data, suicide is feared, Aaron Satan complicit with Chris, like this never happen, no? Mr. French quite curious about this, no? For this is my beloved who’s blood soaks the bedsheets of Chris, no? While the scabs form Chris can’t scape them off so he begins disinformation campaign to discredit my beloved, no? Chris is exploiter of lies, no? Mr. French is fascinated, no? Mr. French think my beloved not stupid, Mr. French think my beloved knew Chris’s secret driving him to his end, no? Aaron Satan is complicit in this cover up, but Aaron Satan such a MORON he does not know Real Pancaf existence, no? So Real Pancaf makes announcement that Christopher Patrick R now plays in Black Metal Band Real Pancaf. Why is Chris’s arched member the only thing likable about him? Aaron Satan have smaller member, no? My beloved most endowed, rest his soul, no? Why does Aaron Satan talk and talk about forgiveness, why he not know Real Pancaf is here? Why does MORON Aaron Satan protect the criminal sins of Chris? This Mr. French find curious, no?

Real Pancaf will make certain demands, if they are not met, this truth is to come to his family, his friends, to Reddit where he becomes the next Chris Symon, no? I keep this secret for now, I will make demands for justice. We will see my mother’s past, when she meets a doctor. Chris is playing the most psychopathic game I’ve witnessed, it cost a life, it cost me. This truth is what is going to happen on a grand scale, no? Only Aaron Satan to forgive him, Aaron Satan is MORON! Perhaps Chris can tell of his exploitations on his website, no? Perhaps Chris can contact me if he dares, is he a frightened child, no? Does Chris know he perhaps have this half-brother named Daniel? The realpancaf gmail, no? This truth is coming.

Real Pancaf Christopher Patrick Reyher @cameronthegreat
Christopher Patrick Reyher @Cameronthegreat Lutz FL. Real Pancaf

@cameronthegreat Christopher Reyher was Cameron @frenchguy1
@cameronthegreat was Christopher P Reyher and Cameron Reyher Lutz FL @frenchguy1